Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Modeling Craft Ideas for Kids

The technique of mold dough had its beginnings with the Classical Romans, Greeks and Egyptians when they would pay court to their Gods with offers of figs made from dough. Later in nineteenth century Federal Republic Of Germany salt was added to halt mice eating the creations.

Today mold is particularly suitable as a trade thought for children of any age. It is soft, safe, non-toxic and great fun. Although the children can utilize polymer clay and ego hardening clays salt dough clay is great merriment to make.

You will necessitate very small for this trade thought for children and will probably have got most of the points in your home. Items such as as paint, varnish, pastry dough cutters, moulds, bowl and resonant pin will probably be enough. For the existent breadstuff dough formula you will necessitate apparent flour (not self-raising), salt and water.


2 cups apparent flour

1 cup salt

1 cup water

Mix together flour, salt and one-half the H2O in the mixing bowl. Knead the mixture adding more than H2O gradually until it is smooth and firm. Bash not add too much H2O as it will go gluey and sag. Remove the mixture from the bowl and knead for a additional 10 minutes. It is best to go forth the dough to rest for 30 proceedings in an air tight container.

By adding 1 tablespoonful on veggie oil you will add lissomeness to the dough or 1 tablespoonful of wallpaper paste for elasticity.

Model the dough into desired forms and bake at 120 deg Degree Centigrade or 250 deg Degree Fahrenheit until completely difficult all over. It is of import to put the finished trade physical objects in a dry ambiance and not in a steamy or muffle country as they may deteriorate. The dough trades can be left natural, painted and varnished or the dough can colored with nutrient coloring before baking. Anything that is heatproof can be used, such as as broken China but make maintain an oculus on the children near the oven.

Modeling allows children utilize their imaginativenesses and have got fun.

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